Scooter Sitting Exercises To Help Your Mobility
DT Scooters believe that mobility is more than just riding on your scooter. It’s also about how well you can move on your own! Therefore, we have provided you with three helpful exercises that can be done while sitting down or sitting on your scooter (while it is parked of course)!
- Knee Lifts – this exercise will help to strength your legs will also helping circulation as well! This exercise is one that you can do while watching tv or anything else that you may be doing while sitting! To start you want to make sure that you are sitting up straight with your stomach/abs engaged. Your feet should be flat on the ground (or scooter deck). Next slowly lift your right/left leg as high as you can (comfortably) then lower your foot back down. You can then repeat this with the opposite leg. You can choose how many sets of this exercise you’d like to do just make sure that you alternate your legs and work both of them!
- Tummy Twists – This is a great exercise that you can do to try to strength your core and midsection area! To begin, you want to first make sure that you are sitting up straight with your stomach/abs engaged and your feet flat on the ground (or scooter deck). Next, hold both arms at a 90-degree angle with your forearms extended out in front of you and your elbows at your sides. Next, try to rotate your upper torso from right to left twisting as far as you can go on each side (comfortably). Once you do one side be sure to do the same on the other side. While you are doing this exercise, try to keep your lower body as still as possible. You can choose how many sets of this exercise you’d like to do just make sure that you alternate your twists to both sides and work both of them!
- Dumbbell Curls – This is a great exercise to tone and strengthen your arms! First, you want to make sure that you are sitting up straight. You can have a dumbbell in each hand or choose to just use one. Remember that your elbows should be close to your torso. While you are holding your upper arm stationary, curl the dumbbell and start twisting the wrist(s) once the dumbbell passes your thighs so that the palms of your hands face forward at the end of the movement. Make sure that you breathe out as you contract your biceps and that only your forearms move. Continue this movement until the dumbbell is at shoulder level. Hold the contracted position for a second as you squeeze the biceps. Next, slowly bring the dumbbell back to the starting position as you breathe in and rotate your wrists back to a neutral grip. Slowly begin to bring the dumbbells back to the starting position as your breathe in and as you rotate the wrists back to a neutral grip. You can choose how many sets of this exercise you’d like to do just make sure that you alternate your curls between both arms if you choose to only use one dumbbell!
DT Scooters recommends that you only perform these exercises if you feel comfortable enough to do so. We are not healthcare professionals and recommend that you discuss your exercise options with your medical providers first.
Now that we have provided you with a few sitting exercises it’s time to get to work! Contact us today to purchase your new mobility scooter so that you can try out some of these exercises!
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